Miscellaneous pictures of Preston!

A sketch of Mr. P.

December 16, 2008 - 4 years old - Preston loves playing in the snow with daughters Cassi and Merry

December 25, 2008 - Preston loves Christmas and playing with daughter Merry

April 2 - 5, 2009 - Preston was Best of Breed all 4 days in Midland Texas.

August 29 - 30, 2009 - Preston was Best of Breed in Cheyenne, WY. The SS entry both days was 9.

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October 30, 2009 - left - Preston waiting for me to get out of the shower. . .
right - Mr. P in the group ring with Ozzy's mom Kellie.

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December 25, 2009 - Preston LOVES Christmas!

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