Retired Agility Run of Glory - June 11, 2011

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June 11, 2011 - Front Range Agility Association of Denver - Denver, Colorado

At the trial on Saturday, FRAAD offered a special attraction called "Retired Agility Run of Glory". The event was to honor our beloved retired agility dogs. Each dog ran a "victory" course, which was a simplified JWW course, while a pre-written biography was read. At the end, each dog received a BEAUTIFUL personalized rosette.

YD loved the attention and getting to run one last time with me. It is a moment that I will cherish forever!
The following is the biography that was read while we took our victory lap:

CH Geistvoll Yesterday's Dream, NA, NAJ
At 14 1/2, YD still rules the Himmlisch house. She is an American and Canadian champion, a specialty winner, and a leading producer (with 5 breed champions and 1 agility champion). YD was one of the first dogs I "dabbled" with in agility. We trained with Marilu Baskin back in 1999. Even though YD never made it any further than her Novice titles, she enjoyed agility and especially the tunnels. YD has passed on her love for the sport to her offspring who boast of Master titles and an Agility Champion title. Even today, I have to let YD have a few minutes at the end of a training session with the other Standard Schnauzers in the house. At 14 1/2 she is still such a joy and always wants to please.

Click here to see our fun run. (Remember to use your browser back button to return to this page from the video.)
Here is another video of the victory lap shot by Don Hansen - Kennel Boy Video Productions. (Remember to use your browser back button to return to this page from the video.)
This video is of all the participants filmed by Kim. She didn't know how long it would be on you tube because of some song choice issues. (Remember to use your browser back button to return to this page from the video.)

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